Clarify Your Marketing Message | Step 7: Success!
The last step in clarifying your marketing message, Success!, is where you describe what happens when a customer does decide to choose your business. You can never offer too much of a vision for your customers about what their life and company will be like after working with you.
Clarify Your Marketing Message | Step 6: Failure
In the Failure step, we want to identify the things that could happen if the customer decides not to do anything or chooses one of your competitors. A lot of customers aren’t aware of the things that could possibly go wrong, and we want to make it clear that we have their best interests in mind up front.
Clarify Your Marketing Message | Step 5: Determine Your CTAs
Step 5 of this exercise is to Determine Your CTAs, or the calls to action that you are asking your customers to perform. We’re thinking about this from a website standpoint, but asking your customer to take the next step should always be a part of your marketing message.
Clarify Your Marketing Message | Step 4: Share Your Process
If you could narrow your process down to three or four compelling and concise steps, what would those be? If you can share your process in a way that directly addresses customer frustrations, you’re well on your way to a successful marketing message.
Clarify Your Marketing Message | Step 3: Introduce Yourself
In Step 3 of our 7 Steps to Clarify Your Marketing Message, Introduce Yourself, we’re going to talk about your company for the first time. This part is always easy, usually because most of our clients talk about what they do a lot.
Clarify Your Marketing Message | Step 2: Address the Problem
In our last post, we talked about the customer being on the road and encountering a problem. In Step 2 of Clarify Your Marketing Message, we need to identify exactly what that problem is before we can help our customer solve it.
Clarify Your Marketing Message | Step 1: Identify Your Customer
One of the biggest opportunities that I see for small businesses to grow is to Clarify Your Marketing Message. The first step is to identify your customer, which we do with two simple categories.
Clarify Your Marketing Message | Overview
We’ve been building websites for about 10 years, and the biggest problem we’ve seen in our industry is that most small- to medium-sized businesses don’t have a clear message for customers. A big part of our job has become helping businesses create and clarify their marketing message.