Clarify Your Marketing Message | Step 7: Success!

Note: Scroll to the bottom for links to the rest of the Clarify Your Marketing Message Series.

Hey, it’s Sam Nelson again from Website Muscle. We’re onto the 7th and final step of this process to Clarify Your Marketing Message.

A quick recap: to make your marketing message clear, concise, and compelling, we’ve gone through these six steps so far.

  1. Identify who your customer is, and what their business goals and objectives are.
  2. Address the problem that they need your product or service for, and the frustrations they are feeling as an effect of that problem.
  3. Your company appears as a trustworthy provider of proven solutions to the customer’s problem.
  4. Simple steps that explain what it’s like to work with you and alleviate fears of the unknown.
  5. Take action, either through your main CTA (“Schedule a consultation”) or secondary CTA (“Download this e-Book”)
  6. Avoid the possibility of failure through inaction or choosing a competitor.

The last step, Success!, is where you describe what happens when a customer does decide to work with you.

This is one of the most important steps in your marketing message. We want customers to see exactly what success looks like.

Here’s the question we want to answer: How is the customer’s life or company better after working with you?

We can think about this two ways.
1. What are the tangible ways the customer will be helped?
2. How will the customer feel after working with our company?

For the first question, the answer for the customer should be something like, “I have achieved…” with their specific answer related to how you have helped their business improve. This could be based around revenue, time savings, or capabilities beyond their competitors’. All of the things that customers should be able to say after working with you should be on this list.

For the second question, your customer’s answer should start with, “I feel…” For example, in our website business, we help business owners achieve certain goals. But we also have a marketing manager customer persona who we want to have those achievements and also feel a certain way. They should feel like they have the right partner; like they’re working with a company that is aligned with their goals and objectives.

Again, you should be able to list out as many of these as you can. You can never offer too much of a vision for your customers about what life is like after working with you.

That’s the 7th step in the Clarify Your Marketing Message video series. Thanks for watching!

If you found this helpful and would like to dig deeper, please reach out to us to schedule a one-on-one discussion. We’d love to chat with you.

Watch the rest of the Clarify Your Marketing Message Series:

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