Clarify Your Marketing Message | Step 5: Determine Your CTAs

Note: Scroll to the bottom for links to the rest of the Clarify Your Marketing Message Series.

Hey, it’s Sam Nelson from Website Muscle. We’re onto the fifth step of our 7 Steps to Clarify Your Marketing Message — Determine Your CTAs.

Step 5 of this exercise is to Determine Your Calls to Action (CTAs) that you are asking your customers to perform. We’re thinking about this from a website standpoint, but asking your customer to take the next step should always be a part of your marketing message.

We break CTAs up into two categories: first, the main call to action, and then your secondary CTAs.

Main Call to Action

For our B2B clients, the main call to action is usually “Schedule a Consultation,” some version of “Contact Us” via email or phone, or a download of a free demo or program.

Whatever it is, we need to know exactly what that main call to action will be and that you’ll be able to measure success. If you want your marketing to lead to more calls, for example, your marketing efforts need to be solely focused on driving calls.

Secondary CTAs

One or more secondary CTAs should also be in place for leads who aren’t ready to schedule a consultation. I’ve seen huge opportunities for B2B companies like our clients, because a lot of the time the traffic to your website isn’t ready to buy immediately.

If you look at your website’s analytics, you’ll probably see that the vast majority of people on your website aren’t contacting you. The question is, what value and information can we give them to start a relationship?

One example of a secondary CTA is an e-book that adds value for customers, which you can provide in exchange for an email address. With that information, you can start an email campaign to guide that lead toward a future conversion.

Another secondary option that could add value is a video course, or just one video with enough value that brings customers back and leads them to start a relationship. Email newsletter series also work well to keep customers engaged.

There are a lot of different ways to create a call to action that will lead potential customers to start a relationship with you. Even if they aren’t ready to schedule a consultation, they’re interested in you solving their problem.

In these circumstances, the secondary CTA should solve a problem or frustration that we identified back in Step 2. If customers have a question or are looking for a solution that your secondary CTA can solve, you’ve provided a win and significant value.


To summarize, make sure you include the main call to action and secondary CTAs throughout your marketing materials. This way you’ll have something for anyone who is looking at your website. Either they will take the next step and contact you, or watch a video, read your literature, or otherwise interact with your message.

Thanks for watching Step 5 of 7 Steps to Clarify Your Marketing Message. Stick around for Step 6: Failure.

Watch the rest of the Clarify Your Marketing Message Series:

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