How to Plan Website Projects

Getting ready to plan website projects for your business? Good for you!

Your website should be a useful tool that you can be proud to share with the world. It should also help generate leads and grow your business.

You should have an awesome team of experts ready to take the reins on your project (shameless plug alert!) like the team at Website Muscle.

Our dedicated designers, content writers, and project managers oversee the entire project. We don’t make promises we can’t keep, and we keep all our promises. We are efficient, and we don’t miss deadlines.

When you plan website projects your involvement should be minimal so you can focus on what you do best. Still, it will be necessary at a few points in the project to ensure that your team is on the right track.

These seven tips will help you plan website projects

1. Nail Down Your Messaging

This is the most important piece, and it starts with knowing who your target market is. HubSpot calls this developing your “buyer persona“. Ask yourself these questions before you plan website projects:

  • Who is my customer?
  • What is/are my customer’s problem(s)?
  • How does my product/service solve those problems?

Be specific with your answers, and if you aren’t sure, pick the brains of your best customers until you are sure. Then, go further and ask:

  • If my customer buys my product/service, what’s the outcome?
  • How will their life be better? (Will they save time, money, reduce stress, etc.)

We know many business owners aren’t sure exactly who their customer is. Over the past 10 years in business, we’ve encountered countless examples of this. The ones who have it down have thrived. They know what their customers want, and their message is specific and intentional.

Knowing your target market makes conversations with your content writer and designer easier. Our job is to take your message and articulate it to your audience.

2. Main CTA

Once you’ve nailed down your messaging, think about what you want visitors to do on your website. The goal is to keep users engaged and keep them on your site until they’ve taken action (determined by you). Here are some ideas for Calls to Action (CTAs):

  • Schedule a free consultation
  • Request a demo
  • Make an appointment
  • Download an e-book
  • Buy a product
  • Sign up for a free trial
  • Book an event
  • Marry me! (kidding)

3. Determine Your Goals & Objectives for the Site

What are you going to use the website for? Answering that question will help your website team recommend design, content, and functionality.

4. Organize Your Content

As you plan website projects, gather up all the content you have. This includes your:

  • logo
  • brochures
  • marketing materials
  • pricing lists
  • product specifications
  • images
  • blog posts/other articles
  • news/press
  • accolades

This information helps your content writer and designer learn about your business. Then, they can convey your unique value to potential customers.

5. Choose a Team Leader

This person will be the go-to for the website project. They will make final decisions related to the project. We’ve found it’s easier when there is only one point person. It eliminates any confusion of who to go to for feedback, when to proceed, etc.

6. Find Websites You Like

If you are able to show us a handful of websites you like, it will help your website team draw inspiration. It also shows what types of elements, functionality, images, etc. you like.

7. Top 10 FAQs

List out the top 10 frequent questions you receive from customers, and answer them. Now think of the top 10 questions your customers should be asking, and answer them as well.

There you have it — some ways to plan for your website project! Call us for a free consultation. We’ll answer any questions you may have about your website project!

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