The 3 Best Questions for Your Web Designer

So you need a new website and you’re wondering about the 3 best questions for your web designer.

If you’ve spent more than two minutes looking for a web design agency online, you know that there are a lot to choose from.

But how do you weed out the good ones from the stinkers?

We’ve come up with simple questions for your web designer that any qualified agency should be able to answer easily.

Here are the 3 Best Questions for Your Web Designer

1. Will My Site Work on All Devices?

Online traffic has gone mobile. People are looking at content and websites like yours on smartphones and tablets more than desktop computers.

To capitalize on that traffic, your website needs to adapt to whatever screen it’s on. In our industry, we call this type of site mobile-responsive.

Mobile-responsiveness has become so important that Google now ranks sites without a mobile version lower.

In our humble shop, we’ve grown with the times by developing a mobile-first design strategy. If your developer can’t explain to you how your website will work on mobile devices, that’s a big red flag.

2. Will My Site Be ‘Googleable’?

It might feel silly to say “Googleable” out loud (try it, we’ll wait) but this is an important concept to address.

As we mentioned above, Google’s search algorithm considers a lot of factors when ranking pages.

Google looks at other details beyond responsiveness and relevance as well. Factors can include site structure, internal links, image tags, and more.

Lots of designers (like us!) use content management systems like WordPress to take care of most of these behind-the-scenes details. Your developer should be able to handle the rest — and shouldn’t laugh much when you say “Googleable.”

3. Will My Site Engage My Visitors?

This question covers the client-facing elements (read: “fun stuff”) in your new website. Design, content, calls to action, and other details all need decisions before your new site launches.

Your designer should be able to explain why your website needs:

We can’t promise that good answers to these questions for your web designer will guarantee you’ll pick the right team for your business… but we can’t not promise it either. (And we’re pretty sure this will help you keep the stinkers away.)

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