Drawing a Blank: Benefits of a Text-Only Header
Can you really just slap a text-only header at the top of your website and call it ‘design’?
What is a 404 Page and Why Do You Need One?
The 404 page is a staple of the internet. If you combined all the times someone landed on a 404 page instead of the page they were trying to reach, you’d have more hits than Google, Facebook, and America Online combined.* (*Editor’s Note: This might not be true.) But what is a 404 page? And […]
The 3 Best Questions for Your Web Designer
We’ve come up with some simple questions for your web designer that any agency worth your time should be able to answer easily.
The Benefits of an FAQ Page
Small business owners, you can save time and simultaneously build trust in your customers with one simple website tool: a valuable and informative FAQ page.