2018 1st Quarter Meeting Recap

It’s time for another round of quarterly recaps! (Wow, is it 2018 already?!) We are ushering in a very exciting milestone — our 10th Year in Business!

We’re overflowing with gratitude for our teammates, clients, partners, and mentors. You have all played a part in making us the company we are today.

We’re proud to educate and inspire small business owners to grow and thrive in their markets. This year we celebrate 10 years in business while pushing forward to more growth and success in 2018. As John Wooden said:

Success is never final; failure is never fatal. It’s courage that counts.

Always keep learning, growing, and improving!

Now, back to the 2018 1st Quarter Meeting recap.

Why do we post these quarterly recaps, you may be wondering? First, we have learned from other businesses who are transparent about their growth journeys (growing pains included!). So we figure it might help other businesses to see what we’re up to and how we’re evolving to fit the needs of our market.

Second, we want our clients to know that we are always learning and striving to stay ahead of the game. We’re always working to become better guides to our customers. And we’re always working to become better human beings in general.

So, without further ado, here’s our 2018 1st Quarter Meeting Recap.

Our quarterly meetings include dinner, a rundown of the previous quarter, and a preview of what’s to come. Then we top off the evening with a fun outing for team building.

This time, we had a lot to talk about so we decided to eat in. Stonefire Grill delivered some yummy tri-tip, and since most of us were still on our New Year’s diets, we skipped dessert. (Bleh)

We had a slow couple of months before the holidays, which isn’t uncommon for us, but can be discouraging at the time. So I was sure to remind the team that we had a lot to celebrate from 2017, including our highest revenue to date.

We take time to celebrate our little victories (that add up to BIG victories) like meeting our Rocks. (Rocks are goals we set for each quarter, from the book Traction and its complement, Get a Grip).

Before our Q1 meeting, each team member chose three Rocks which they would own for Q1. This way, each of us is contributing to the company’s success and exhibiting our Core Value of Ownership.

We introduced our book for the quarter, which we are super excited to integrate into our business and use to help our clients.

The team meeting ended and we raced off (pun intended) to K1 Speed, an indoor go-kart race track. The staff at K1 was so impressed with our custom t-shirts that we made their Instagram page!

We are all super excited to see what happens in 2018! We hope you have a successful and prosperous year as well!

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